Journal of Surgery and Surgical Technology is international, open access, double-blinded peer-reviewed journal that reports on significant contributions and advancements of surgical science and practice. Aim of the journal is to present the valuable contributions from worldwide authorities on every surgery related topic of current importance. As a broad scope journal covering all surgical specialties, the journal aims to facilitate the transfer of important ideas and lines of thought between and across specialties.
Journal of Surgery and Surgical Technology focuses on all types of surgeries such as General Surgery, Ophthalmic Surgery, Transplantation Surgery, Endocrine Surgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Obstetric Surgery, Neurosurgery, Plastic Surgery, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgery, Acute Care Surgery, Otorhinolaryngology Surgery, Gynecological Surgery, Urological Surgery, Robotic Surgery, Perioperative Care and Anaesthesiology, Innovation and development in instrumentation and Surgical Technological methods etc. Visit here for more focused topics.
The Editorial Board of the Journal of Surgery and Surgical Technology puts consistent efforts to enhance quality and elevate the significance of published articles to the corresponding community. Material published in the journal does not represent the opinion of the publisher, sponsoring society, or journal owner. Editors are asked to apply a strict quality filter in selecting papers for publication. The criteria for acceptance are scientific quality, originality, relevance, and comprehension.
The Journal promotes accurate and effective scientific knowledge which is peer-reviewed by eminent surgeons affiliated with a particular field. The Journal maintains the highest levels of scientific and ethical values. The Journal provides features like English editing services, ease of visibility, rapid publication after acceptance of the manuscript.
Journal of Surgery and Surgical Technology publishes original research articles, review articles, clinical studies, case reports, commentaries, conferences proceedings, and editorial letters. Authors of accepted articles will be charged a publication fee of USD 750. Please read the Manuscript Guidelines for more information.
Journal of Surgery and Surgical Technology helps keep readers up-to-the-minute on surgical technological information and clinical issues. The information provided by this journal on the latest advances in surgery and surgical technology is beneficial to improve the healthcare of patients.